Day 22 - 53 miles (1,220)

Day 22 (Slidell to Land-O-Pines).png

It was difficult leaving Gordon and Janette. They're a part of the family I rarely get to see and they are always amazing. Their wit and love of living the moment made this weekend a nice break from cycling. In addition to the fun we had talking and wandering the streets of New Orleans, they showed me unmatched hospitality and generosity that was filled with sincerity. A solid reminder that if I ever feel the need to return to New Orleans to learn more of its secrets and history, I have a place to stay. A place, I currently wish I could stay longer at.

However, the world doesn't stop turning and that means I can't stop moving.

Fortunately, the day after day drinking and walking all day wasn't as bad as it could have been. Today was smooth sailing and I don't have much of a story to tell. Just an easy day of lazy cycling.